Industrial materials for a sustainable future

Developing AusPozz™ high-reactivity metakaolin to advance low-carbon concrete

Utilising our high-kaolinite content clays, we are developing AusPozzTM, a high-reactivity metakaolin to advance low-carbon concrete.  We aim to become Australia’s first commercial producer of Metakaolin, a Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCM), for decarbonising the concrete industry.

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We hold proprietary technology to produce advanced materials

Zeolites are aluminosilicate materials with a cage-like structure, that link into frameworks and can be designed to selectively adsorb molecules or ions dependent on their unique construction.​

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An experienced team with established external networks

We have a highly skilled team with deep experience in research and development and a strong track record in project delivery and commercialisation.

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We take a collaborative approach and have strong relationships with leading universities and industry